Mission and Values

Golden Group is mission is to produce scientific, cultural and artistic knowledge, offer higher education firmly rooted in research, invest in the social and economic valorization of knowledge and actively participate in the progress of the communities to which the university belongs.

The Golden Group of Institution is a public foundation regulated by private law and with statutory, educational, scientific, cultural, administrative, financial, patrimonial and disciplinary autonomy.


Values of the Golden Groups

    TEACHING & LEARNING: Golden Educaonal Society aims to provide quality educaon to students who can play a vital role in Mission development We aim at creang new technology for "Benefing all".
    • EXCELLENCE: We believe in promoon of personal and academic excellence through on going assessment and connuous quality improvement. We believe that wisdom, sound judgment, acceptance & respect for others along with cultures & ideas are characteriscs of an educated person.
    • DIVERSITY: Cultural diversity enriches learning experience, promotes respect and understanding.
    • FREEDOM: We seek to provide an environment that foster knowledge, development & creave learning experience through intellectual & cultural exchange while encouraging personal & academic freedom.
    • INTEGRITY: We believe, expect & support integrity which is crical to our connous success & instuonal effecveness.
    • SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Deserving & eligible candidates, who aspire to pursue our academic programs but unable to do so, due to financial constraints are encouraged by providing different kinds of scholarships.
  • 1. Providing world class infrastructure, renowned academicians and ideal environment for Research, Innovation, Consultancy and Entrepreneurship relevant to the society
  • 2. Offering programs & courses in consonance with National policies for nation building and meeting global challenges.
  • 3.Ensuring students delight by meeting their aspirations through blended learning, corporate mentoring, professional grooming, flexible curriculum and healthy atmosphere based on co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
  • 4. Establishing strategic relationships with leading National and International corporates and universities for academic as well as research collaborations.
  • 5. Contributing for creation of healthy, vibrant and sustainable society by involving in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) activities like rural development, women empowerment, community service, health and hygiene awareness and environmental protection
  • By embracing this vision and mission, our Educational Institution aims to empower students to become well-rounded individuals who are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to thrive in their personal and professional lives while making a positive difference in society.



Industry Collaborations












Placement Record

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