B.Sc (Medical Technology-Anesthesia & Operaon Theatre) provide students with praccal experience in operang room management, cleaning, sterilizaon, anesthesia dues, and upkeep of all equipment used in the operang room both before and aer procedures. By the compleon of the course, the students will be able to select the appropriate anesthec drugs, anesthec gases, pernent surgical equipment and surgical sterilizaon requirements. The study of the theories and tenets governing the operaon, supervision, and upkeep of the operang room is also a component of the B.Sc( Anesthesia & Operaon Theatre Technology). Candidates must demonstrate accuracy, hygiene, precision, and aenon to detail, thus they must undergo special training in paent monitoring and observaon as well as sterilizaon of surgical equipment. Through the course, students improve their ability to be responsible, accurate, make decisions, and work in a team. A technologist may help the hospital's specialized clinicians and experts aer compleng the training. The fundamental goal of this program is to give graduates the informaon, abilies, and morals necessary for a successful medical career in the twenty-first century

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Faculty Details
Type Of Course:

B.sc Anesthesia And Operation Theatre


3 Years

Number Of Seats*:



English, Hindi

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With over 100 years of history, the University of Falar is a leading teaching and scientific research institution in Canada and worldwide.

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